The kleptocratic republic

in eleven cartoons

Don't you eye our cheese vault

Don’t you eye our cheese vault

Whose wheel is it anyway?

Whose wheel is it anyway?

Well padded and ready to hit the wall

Well padded and ready to hit the wall

On Shylock's ledgers

The ravages of financialization

Endowed with a knack for twisting reality, Shylock has snatched the concept of inclusion to claim that goading the needy into unsustainable indebtedness and its attendant distress is in fact a praiseworthy aspect of ‘financial inclusion’.

Making the misfits fit in

Making the misfits fit in

Wellbeing on skid row

Wellbeing on skid row. Slicing the slice won’t make the pie grow.

For the privilege of sheltering in Kleptoria

For the privilege of sheltering in Kleptoria

The boss’s garden


The boss’s garden

Wanton destruction of environmental assets

Wanton destruction of environmental assets

The kleptocracy engineered the degradation of the environment. The self-enrichment schemes of kleptocrats have squandered precious natural communal resources.

Round-the-bend economics

Round-the-bend economics

Consultant hackery

Consultant hackery in support of the kleptocracy

Ever heard of the concept of “sustainable migration”? All a wannabe analyst needs in order to come up with such hackery is to have just heard of the concept of sustainability in economic development or in the management of on environmental resources. Et voilà!

Perpetuating the predicament of war-caused migration to serve the kleptocrats becomes the objective. Adding the letter “e” and and our apprentice pulls out the term “e-refugees”. The obtuse idea gains high-tech status in the eye of the beholder.

E-misery is still misery, and e-dense still dense.